The Riches of Bunyan by Jeremiah Rev. Chaplin
page 11 of 562 (01%)
page 11 of 562 (01%)
The family Bunyan's domestic character Dr. Owen Truth Style The old and new dispensations The Pilgrim in New England NOTICES OF BUNYAN PREFATORY NOTICE. The subscriber has been requested by his friend the Rev. Jeremiah Chaplin, the worthy son of an honored father, [Footnote: The late Rev. Dr. Chaplin, the founder and first president of Waterville college, in the state of Maine.] and the editor of the present selections from Bunyan, to attach to them some prefatory remarks. Needless as he feels it himself to be, and presumptuous as, to some, the attempt even may seem, to say aught in behalf of a work that, faithfully drawn as it is from Bunyan's overflowing stores, can |