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The Riches of Bunyan by Jeremiah Rev. Chaplin
page 59 of 562 (10%)
shall give you light. Content not yourselves either with sin or
righteousness, if you be destitute of Jesus Christ; but CRY, CRY, Oh
cry to God for light to see your condition by. Light is in the word
of God, for therein is the righteousness of God revealed; cry
therefore for light to see this righteousness by: it is a
righteousness of Christ's finishing, of God's accepting, and that
which alone can save the soul from the stroke of eternal justice.


"My little bird, how canst thou sit
And sing amidst so many thorns?
Let me but hold vipon thee get,
My love with honor thee adorns.
Thou art at present little worth,
Five farthings none will give for thee,
But prithee, little bird, come forth,
Thou of more value art to me.

"'Tis true it is sunshine to-day,
To-morrow birds will have a storm;
My pretty one, come thou away.
My bosom then shall keep thee warm.
Thou subject art to cold o' nights,
When darkness is thy covering;
At day thy danger's great by kites;
How canst thou then sit there and sing?

"Thy food is scarce and scanty too,
'Tis worms and trash that thou dost eat
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