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The Riches of Bunyan by Jeremiah Rev. Chaplin
page 61 of 562 (10%)
Are emblems of those foolish toys
Which to destruction lead the way--
The fruit of worldly, empty joys.

The arguments this child doth choose
To draw to him a bird thus wild,
Shows Christ familiar speech doth use,
To make the sinner reconciled.
The bird, in that she takes her wing
To speed her from him after all,
Shows us vain man loves any thing
Much better than the heavenly call.


Thy bed, when thou liest down in it, preacheth to thee thy grave;
thy sleep, thy death; and thy rising in the morning, thy
resurrection to judgment.

Wouldst thou know, sinner, what thou art? look up to the cross, and
behold a weeping, bleeding, dying Jesus; nothing could do but that,
nothing could save thee but his blood: angels could not, saints
could not, God could not, because he could not lie, because he could
not deny himself.

What a thing is sin, that it should sink all that bear its burden;
yea, it sunk the Son of God himself into death and the grave, and
had also sunk him into hell-fire for ever, had he not teen the Son
of God, had he not been able to take it on his hack and bear it
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