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The Adventures of Poor Mrs. Quack by Thornton W. (Thornton Waldo) Burgess
page 2 of 61 (03%)
XIV. Sammy Jay's Plan to Help Mrs. Quack
XV. The Hunt for Mr. Quack
XVI. Sammy Jay Sees Something Green
XVII. Mr. Quack Is Found at Last
XVIII.Sammy Jay Sends Mrs. Quack to the Swamp
XIX. Jerry Muskrat's Great Idea
XX. Happy Days for Mr. and Mrs. Quack


"Marshes must be something like swamps," ventured Peter Rabbit

Several times she circled around, high over the Smiling Pool

"Some folks call him Alligator and some just 'Gator"

"Just tuck that fact away in that empty head of yours and never
say can't"

"Yes," said he in a low voice, "I am Mr. Quack"

Those were happy days indeed for Mr. and Mrs. Quack in the pond
of Paddy the Beaver

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