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The Rover Boys on the Ocean - Or, a chase for a fortune by Edward Stratemeyer
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"I think not. Daniel thinks a great deal of his parent, and when
Mr. Baxter was so seriously injured --"

"Dan didn't care much for that. He isn't that kind."

"Daniel is a better boy than you think, John. He loves his
parent, and when that imp of a Rover got Mr. Baxter into trouble
Daniel was very much exercised over it."

"Gracious, but that's rich," murmured Dick. "I got him into
trouble. I guess the rascal did that for himself."

"Well, we won't talk about that, professor," went on Mumps. "You
didn't stay in Chicago long."

"No, I -- ahem -- the position offered to me did not suit my
views, so I declined it."

"Gee-christopher!" came from Tom, and each of the Rovers could
scarcely keep from laughing.

"I think those Rover boys put up a job on you," said Mumps. "At
least, I got an inkling that way."

"Indeed. I would like to wring their necks, the imps!" burst out
Josiah Crabtree. "Oh, what have I not suffered at their hands!
At one hotel where I stopped they placed live crabs -- But let
that pass, the subject is too painful. To come back to the
point. I can have the Falcon at any time that I may need her?"
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