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The Rover Boys on the Ocean - Or, a chase for a fortune by Edward Stratemeyer
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largely false, and all of a sudden a long switch came loose and
fell to the ground.

At this the damsel screeched at the top of her lungs and, caught
at the hair. The monkey cried, too, in concert, and then a young
man rushed in to the rescue. But Jocko's blood was up, and,
leaping to the young man's shoulder, he tore off his straw hat
and began to pull it to bits. Then, with the hat still in his
possession, he made a leap to the tree and joined his brother at
the top.

By this time the uproar was general, and it seemed to anger the
bear still more. He had been rushing over the lawn, upsetting
easy chairs and benches, but now he charged straight for the

"Look out for the bear!"

"The beast is going mad and will chew somebody up!"

"Shoot him, somebody, before we are all killed!"

Such were some of the cries which rang out. The Italian turned
pale with anger and alarm.

"No shootta Marcus!" he cried. "No shootta heem. He de goodda

"Then catch him!" put in the proprietor of the hotel. "Catch him
and tie him up."
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