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The Rover Boys on the Ocean - Or, a chase for a fortune by Edward Stratemeyer
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music, it seems, and had gone to a concert instead of attending
to business."

"But he won't fail us tomorrow morning?" came in a second voice,
and now Dick recognized the speaker as Arnold Baxter, his
father's worst enemy, who had been left at the hospital in Ithaca
with a broken limb and several smashed ribs. Baxter had tackled
Dick while the two were on a moving train, and, while trying to
throw the boy off, had gotten the worst of the encounter by
tumbling off himself.

"Arnold Baxter! is it possible!" muttered Dick to himself. "He
must have a constitution like iron to get around so soon."

"No, Mooney won't fail us," said Buddy Girk. "I gave him a
mighty good talkin' to, I did."

"I can't afford to have him go back on us," growled Arnold
Baxter. "I'm not well enough yet to do this job alone."

"How does your chest feel?"

"Oh, the ribs seem to be all right. But my leg isn't. I
shouldn't wonder but what I'll have to limp more or less for the
rest of my life."

"That puts me in mind. Whom do you reckon I clapped eyes on down
at the concert hall tonight?"

"I'm sure I don't know. Any of our enemies?"
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