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Games for Hallow-e'en by Mary E. Blain
page 6 of 51 (11%)
one another, while perchance one will be left alone, out in the cold,
as it were. Again, two will start off and all the rest will closely
follow. The one whose candle first goes out is destined to be old
bachelor or maid. These nut-shell boats may also be made by pouring
melted wax into halves of walnut-shells in which are short strings for


Each one places handful of wheat flour on sheet of white paper and
sprinkles it over with a pinch of salt. Some one makes it into dough,
being careful not to use spring water. Each rolls up a piece of dough,
spreads it out thin and flat, and marks initials on it with a new pin.
The cakes are placed before fire, and all take seats as far from it as
possible. This is done before eleven p.m., and between that time and
midnight each one must turn cake once. When clock strikes twelve
future wife or husband of one who is to be married first will enter
and lay hand on cake marked with name. Throughout whole proceeding not
a word is spoken. Hence the name "Dumb Cake." (If supper is served
before 11:30, "Dumb Cake" should be reserved for one of the After-
Supper Tests.)


Suspend apples by means of strings in doorway or from ceiling at
proper height to be caught between the teeth. First successful player
receives prize. These prizes should be Hallow-e'en souvenirs, such as
emery cushions of silk representing tomatoes, radishes, apples, pears,
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