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The Chinese Nightingale and Other Poems by Vachel Lindsay
page 3 of 103 (02%)
The Tale of the Tiger Tree
The Merciful Hand

Third Section
America at War with Germany, Beginning April, 1917

Our Mother Pocahontas
Concerning Emperors
Mark Twain and Joan of Arc
The Bankrupt Peace Maker
"This, My Song, is made for Kerensky"

Fourth Section
Tragedies, Comedies, and Dreams

Our Guardian Angels and Their Children
Epitaphs for Two Players
I. Edwin Booth
II. John Bunny, Motion Picture Comedian
Mae Marsh, Motion Picture Actress
Two Old Crows
The Drunkard's Funeral
The Raft
The Ghosts of the Buffaloes
The Broncho that Would Not Be Broken
The Prairie Battlements
The Flower of Mending
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