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The Institutes of Justinian by Unknown
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In these the law previously obtaining has been briefly stated, as
well as that which after becoming disused has been again brought
to light by our imperial aid. Compiled from all the Institutes of
our ancient jurists, and in particular from the commentaries of our
Gaius on both the Institutes and the common cases, and from
many other legal works, these Institutes were submitted to us by
the three learned men aforesaid, and after reading and examining
them we have given them the fullest force of our constitutions.

Receive then these laws with your best powers and with the
eagerness of study, and show yourselves so learned as to be
encouraged to hope that when you have compassed the whole
field of law you may have ability to govern such portion of the
state as may be entrusted to you.

Given at Constantinople the 21st day of November,
in the third consulate of the Emperor Justinian,
Father of his Country,
ever august.

* BOOK I *

I. Of Justice and Law
II. Of the law of nature, the law of nations,
and the civil law
III. Of the law of persons
IV. Of men free born
V. Of freedmen
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