Opening a Chestnut Burr by Edward Payson Roe
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page 2 of 505 (00%)
them, I have rather wondered that they found so much to say that was
favorable. How they will judge this simple October story (if they think it worth while to judge it at all) I leave to the future, and turn to those for whom the book was really written. In fancy I see them around the glowing hearth in quiet homes, such as I have tried to describe in the following pages, and hope that this new-comer will be welcomed for the sake of those that preceded it. Possibly it may make friends of its own. From widely separated parts of the country, and from almost every class, I have received many and cordial assurances that my former books were sources not only of pleasure, but also of help and benefit, and I am deeply grateful for the privilege of unobtrusively entering so many households, and saying words on that subject which is inseparable from happiness in both worlds. I think the purpose of the book will become apparent to the reader. The incidents and characters are mainly imaginary. Observation has shown me that there are many in the world, like my hero, whose condition can be illustrated by the following lines: Were some great ship all out of stores, When half-way o'er the sea, Fit emblem of too many lives, Such vessel doomed would be. Must there not be something fatally wrong in that scheme of life which |