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The Kasidah of Haji Abdu El-Yezdi by Sir Richard Francis Burton
page 7 of 91 (07%)
And wed the Vine-maid in her stead;--
fools who believe a word he said!*

* Omar-i-Kayyam, the tent-maker poet of Persia.

And "'Dust thou art to dust returning.'
ne'er was spoke of human soul"
The Soofi cries, 'tis well for him
that hath such gift to ask its goal.

"And this is all, for this we're born
to weep a little and to die!"
So sings the shallow bard whose life
still labours at the letter "I."

"Ear never heard, Eye never saw
the bliss of those who enter in
My heavenly kingdom," Isa said,
who wailed our sorrows and our sin:

Too much of words or yet too few!
What to thy Godhead easier than
One little glimpse of Paradise
to ope the eyes and ears of man?

"I am the Truth! I am the Truth!"
we hear the God-drunk gnostic cry
"The microcosm abides in ME;
Eternal Allah's nought but I!"

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