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Stories by English Authors: Ireland by Unknown
page 144 of 146 (98%)
fell again to earth lifeless, and the pavement was besmeared with
his entrails and blood.

Harry now lost all patience, and again seizing his blunderbuss, he
exclaimed: "Come, Jack, my boy, take your pistols and follow me;
I have but one life to lose, and I will venture it to have a crack
at this infernal demon."

"I will follow you to death's doors," said Jack; "but I would not
fire at the banshee for a million of worlds."

Moya seized Harry by the skirts. "Don't go out," she cried; "let
her alone while she lets you alone, for an hour's luck never shone
on any one that ever molested the banshee."

"Psha, woman!" said Harry, and he pushed away poor Moya contemptuously.

The two men now sallied forth; the wild cry still continued, and
it seemed to issue from amongst some stacks in the hay-yard behind
the house. They went round and paused; again they heard the cry,
and Harry elevated his blunderbuss.

"Don't fire," said Jack.

Harry replied not; he looked scornfully at Jack, then put his finger
on the trigger, and--bang--away it exploded with a thundering sound.
An extraordinary scream was now heard, ten times louder and more
terrific than they heard before. Their hair stood erect on their
heads, and huge, round drops of sweat ran down their faces in quick
succession. A glare of reddish-blue fight shone around the stacks;
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