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Works of John Bunyan — Volume 03 by John Bunyan
page 35 of 2054 (01%)
to the Spirit of grace" (Heb. 10:28, 29). Therefore I have shut
myself out of all the promises, and there now remains to me nothing
but threatenings, dreadful threatenings, fearful threatenings of
certain judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour me as
an adversary.[42]

INTER. For what did you bring yourself into this condition?

MAN. For the lusts, pleasures, and profits of this world; in the
enjoyment of which I did then promise myself much delight; but
now every one of those things also bite me, and gnaw me like a
burning worm.

INTER. But canst thou not now repent and turn?

MAN. God hath denied me repentance. His Word gives me no encouragement
to believe; yea, Himself hath shut me up in this iron cage; nor
can all the men in the world let me out. O eternity! eternity! how
shall I grapple with the misery that I must meet with in eternity!

INTER. Then said the Interpreter to Christian, Let this man's misery
be remembered by thee, and be an everlasting caution to thee.[43]

CHR. Well, said Christian, this is fearful! God help me to watch
and be sober, and to pray that I may shun the cause of this man's
misery![44] Sir, is it not time for me to go on my way now?[45]

INTER. Tarry till I shall show thee one thing more, and then thou
shalt go on thy way.

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