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Mrs. Caudle's Curtain Lectures by Douglas William Jerrold
page 46 of 184 (25%)
children, you know it, Caudle, take so much of my time. I can't do
it, love; and I often reproach myself that I can't. Now, you shan't
go to sleep, Caudle; at least not for five minutes. You must hear

"I've been thinking, dearest--ha! that nasty cough, love!--I've been
thinking, darling, if we could only persuade dear mother to come and
live with us. Now, Caudle, you can't be asleep; it's impossible--you
were coughing only this minute--yes, to live with us. What a
treasure we should have in her! Then, Caudle, you never need go to
bed without something nice and hot. And you want it, Caudle.


"Nonsense, you do; for you're not strong, Caudle; you know you're

"I'm sure, the money she'd save us in housekeeping. Ha! what an eye
she has for a joint! The butcher doesn't walk that could deceive
dear mother. And then, again, for poultry! What a finger and thumb
she has for a chicken! I never could market like her: it's a gift--
quite a gift.

"And then you recollect her marrow-puddings?


"Oh, fie! Caudle, how often have you flung her marrow puddings in my
face, wanting to know why I couldn't make 'em? And I wouldn't
pretend to do it after dear mother. I should think it presumption.
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