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The Unwilling Vestal by Edward Lucas White
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Aurelius looked at Brinnaria.

"Caius," she said, "I forgive you. I trust that you will win
promotion and honor where you are going and I am sure
that you will do your duty to the Empire. May the blessing of
all the gods be on you and may you return to me safe and well."

"And may I find you safe and well when I return," spoke
Almo. "Farewell, Brinnaria."

"Farewell, Caius," said she.

The Emperor nodded and Almo bowed himself out.

"Do you know," said Aurelius, when they were alone, "I have been
thinking over what you said about Almo's peculiar notability of looks.
It puzzles me as it puzzles you. He is not merely of distinguished
appearance, he is unusual, striking, unforgettable, conspicuous.
I have talked about it to several of my gentlemen-in-waiting,
equerries and orderlies. They have seen him lately about the stables
of the Greens. They all say that he is, in fact, as normally
proportioned as any youth alive, but they confirm what you
said about his long-legged appearance. Julianus used almost
the same word you used, said Almo looked 'Grasshoppery.'
They all say Almo is precisely the most unmistakable, the most
readily and quickly recognizable youth in all our young nobility."

Brinnaria rose to go. Aurelius bent on her a kindly smile.

"I have been talking about you with Faustina," he said. "We
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