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The Rover Boys out West - Or, The Search for a Lost Mine by Edward Stratemeyer
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of the Rovers after you," came from Harry warningly.

"What are we going to do to-night?" asked Dick abruptly, and in
such a tone that the others felt the bantering must come to an end.
"Is it feast, or fireworks, or both?"

"Make it both!" came in chorus from a dozen cadets. "Captain
Putnam is just in the humor to let us do anything to-night. And
Mr. Strong's in the same good humor. Let us make the best of it."

"All right; feast and fireworks it is," said Dick. "But both will
cost money. Who'll pass around the hat?"

A groan went up, as is generally the case when an academy boy is
asked to part with some of his spending money. But the groan
counted for nothing, and the passing of the hat brought in over ten

"Ten-sixty for this load," announced the cadet who had made the
collection. "And there are two other loads following, besides
those who were on their wheels. We ought to be able to collect at
least thirty dollars, and that will buy out half of Cedarville."

"If only old Carrick has some of his Fourth of July fireworks
left," said Sam.

"Chust so!" grinned Hans Muelle, the German cadet who had joined
the academy the season before. "Vot is von celebration midowit
firevorks, hey? He vos chust noddings!"

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