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Tobogganing on Parnassus by Franklin P. Adams
page 68 of 108 (62%)
"Because--and yet I ought not say
The wherefore of my sudden whim."
Here Archibald looked at Eusta-
Cia, and Eustacia looked at him.

"Because," continued she, "my head--"
I never knew Eustacia's fate,
I never knew what 'Stacia said.
_(Continued on page 58.)_

Popular Ballad: "Never Forget Your Parents"

A young man once was sitting
Within a swell cafe,
The music it was playing sweet--
The people was quite gay.
But he alone was silent,
A tear was in his eye--
A waitress she stepped up to him, and
Asked him gently why.

(Change to Minor.)

He turned to her in sorrow and
At first he spoke no word,
But soon he spoke unto her, for
She was an honest girl.
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