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Orlando Furioso by Lodovico Ariosto
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Angelica, but Angelica is now indifferent. Ranaldo and Orlando
now begin to fight over her, but King Charlemagne (fearing the
consequences if his two best knights kill each other in combat)
intervenes and promises Angelica to whichever of the two fights
the best against the heathen; he leaves her in the care of Duke
Namus. Orlando and Ranaldo arrive in Paris just in time to
repulse an attack by Agramante.

Namus' camp is overrun by the heathen. Angelica escapes, with
Ranaldo in pursuit. Also in pursuit is Ferrau, who (because he
had defeated Argalia) considers Angelica his. It is at this
point that the poem breaks off.

While the Orlando-Ranaldo-Angelica triangle is going on, the
stories of other knights and their loves are mixed in. Most
important of these is that of the female knight Bradamante
(sister of Ranaldo), who falls in love with a very noble heathen
knight named Ruggiero ("Rogero" in Rose). Ruggiero, who is said
to be a descendent of Alexander the Great and Hector, also falls
in love with Bradamante, but because they are fighting on
opposite sides it is felt that their love is hopeless.
Nevertheless, it is prophecised that they shall wed and found the
famous Este line, who shall rise to become one of the major
families of Medieval and Renaissance Italy (it is worth noting
that the Estes where the patrons of both Boiardo and Ariosto).
Opposed to this prophecy is Atlantes, an African wizard who seeks
to derail fate and keep Ruggiero from becoming a Christian. By
the end of the poem, Ruggiero is imprisoned in Atlantes' castle.
However, Bradamante (who has decided to follow her heart) is in
pursuit of her love, and is not too far away. It is the
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