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The True Citizen, How to Become One by W. A. Smith;W. F. Markwick
page 12 of 253 (04%)




We get out of Nature what we carry to her.--Katherine Hagar

Fools learn nothing from wise men, but wise men learn much from fools.

The non-observant man goes through the forest and sees no firewood.
--Russian Proverb

Some men will learn more in a country stage-ride than others in a tour
of Europe.--Dr. Johnson

The world is full of thoughts, and you will find them strewed
everywhere in your path.--Elihu Burritt

All conscious life begins in observation. We say of a baby, "See how he
_notices!_" By this statement we really call attention to the fact
that the child is beginning to be interested in things separate from and
outside of himself. Up to this time he has _seen_ but not
_observed_, for to observe is to "see with attention"; to "notice
with care"; to see with the mind as well as with the eye. There are many
persons who see almost everything but observe almost nothing. They are
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