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The Story of a Bold Tin Soldier by Laura Lee Hope
page 3 of 74 (04%)
don't see the Sawdust Doll anywhere, nor the White Rocking Horse,
nor the Lamb on Wheels. It isn't any of our former friends who have
come back to visit us."

"Who is it, then?" asked the Calico Clown, reaching up to get hold
of a long string, for he thought perhaps he could turn somersaults
like the Monkey on a Stick or the Jumping Jack.

"Attention, Soldiers!" suddenly called again the first voice that
had spoken. "Ready, now! Attention!"

"Oh, it's the Bold Tin Soldier!" said the Jack in the Box, who was
the Jumping Jack's cousin. "What's the matter down there in your
barracks, my Bold Tin Soldier?" went on the Box-Jack, as he was
sometimes called for short.

"I want my men to get ready to march," answered the Bold Tin
Soldier. "We are going to have a fancy drill to amuse you, my
friends. Would you like to see me march my men around the counter?"

"Very much, indeed," answered the Candy Rabbit. "It is night now,
and there are no human eyes to see what we do. So we toys may come
to life and move about and make believe we are real as much as we
please. We haven't had very much fun since the jolly sailor came and
carried away the Lamb on Wheels."

"Has any one heard anything from her since she left us?" asked the
Calico Clown.

"Oh, yes, the Lamb has a lovely home with a little girl named
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