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Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions — Volume 1 by Charles Mackay
page 45 of 314 (14%)
of June an order was published, abolishing the law which made it
criminal to amass coin to the amount of more than five hundred livres.
Every one was permitted to have as much specie as he pleased. In order
that the bank-notes might be withdrawn, twenty-five millions of new
notes were created, on the security of the revenues of the city of
Paris, at two-and-a-half per cent. The bank-notes withdrawn were
publicly burned in front of the Hotel de Ville. The new notes were
principally of the value of ten livres each; and on the 10th of June
the bank was re-opened, with a sufficiency of silver coin to give in
change for them.

These measures were productive of considerable advantage. All the
population of Paris hastened to the bank, to get coin for their small
notes; and silver becoming scarce, they were paid in copper. Very few
complained that this was too heavy, although poor fellows might be
continually seen toiling and sweating along the streets, laden with
more than they could comfortably carry, in the shape of change for
fifty livres. The crowds around the bank were so great, that hardly a
day passed that some one was not pressed to death. On the 9th of
July, the multitude was so dense and clamorous that the guards
stationed at the entrance of the Mazarin Gardens closed the gate, and
refused to admit any more. The crowd became incensed, and flung stones
through the railings upon the soldiers. The latter, incensed in their
turn, threatened to fire upon the people. At that instant one of them
was hit by a stone, and, taking up his piece, he fired into the crowd.
One man fell dead immediately, and another was severely wounded. It
was every instant expected that a general attack would have been
commenced upon the bank; but the gates of the Mazarin Gardens being
opened to the crowd, who saw a whole troop of soldiers, with their
bayonets fixed, ready to receive them, they contented themselves by
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