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The Principles of Aesthetics by Dewitt H. Parker
page 2 of 330 (00%)
thanks for her very careful and helpful reading of the page proof.

The appended bibliography is, of course, not intended to be in any
sense adequate, but is offered merely as a guide to further reading;
a complete bibliography would itself demand almost a volume.


CHAPTER I. Introduction: Purpose and Method

CHAPTER II. The Definition of Art

CHAPTER III. The Intrinsic Value of Art

CHAPTER IV. The Analysis of the Aesthetic Experience: The Elements of
the Experience

CHAPTER V. The Analysis of the Aesthetic Experience: The Structure of
the Experience

CHAPTER VI. The Problem of Evil in Aesthetics, and Its Solution
the Tragic, Pathetic, and Comic

CHAPTER VII. The Standard of Taste

CHAPTER VIII. The Aesthetics of Music
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