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The Luck of Roaring Camp and Other Tales by Bret Harte
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Boy," "The Coyote" (an allusion to his vocal powers), and even by
Kentuck's endearing diminutive of "The d--d little cuss." But these
were felt to be vague and unsatisfactory, and were at last dismissed
under another influence. Gamblers and adventurers are generally
superstitious, and Oakhurst one day declared that the baby had brought
"the luck" to Roaring Camp. It was certain that of late they had been
successful. "Luck" was the name agreed upon, with the prefix of Tommy
for greater convenience. No allusion was made to the mother, and the
father was unknown. "It's better," said the philosophical Oakhurst,
"to take a fresh deal all round. Call him Luck, and start him fair." A
day was accordingly set apart for the christening. What was meant by
this ceremony the reader may imagine who has already gathered some
idea of the reckless irreverence of Roaring Camp. The master of
ceremonies was one "Boston," a noted wag, and the occasion seemed to
promise the greatest facetiousness. This ingenious satirist had spent
two days in preparing a burlesque of the Church service, with pointed
local allusions. The choir was properly trained, and Sandy Tipton was
to stand godfather. But after the procession had marched to the grove
with music and banners, and the child had been deposited before a mock
altar, Stumpy stepped before the expectant crowd. "It ain't my style
to spoil fun, boys," said the little man, stoutly eying the faces
around him, "but it strikes me that this thing ain't exactly on the
squar. It's playing it pretty low down on this yer baby to ring in fun
on him that he ain't goin' to understand. And ef there's goin' to be
any godfathers round, I'd like to see who's got any better rights than
me." A silence followed Stumpy's speech. To the credit of all
humorists be it said that the first man to acknowledge its justice was
the satirist thus stopped of his fun. "But," said Stumpy, quickly
following up his advantage, "we're here for a christening, and we'll
have it. I proclaim you Thomas Luck, according to the laws of the
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