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The Luck of Roaring Camp and Other Tales by Bret Harte
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EARLIER SKETCHES. M'liss: An Idyl Of Red Mountain. I. Smith's Pocket
II. Which Contains A Dream Of The Just Aristides III. Under The
Greenwood Tree IV. Which Has A Good Moral Tendency V. "Open Sesame"
VI. The Trials Of Mrs. Morpher VII. The People vs. John Doe Waters
VIII. The Author To The Reader--Explanatory IX. Cleaning Up X. The Red
Rock High-Water Mark A Lonely Ride The Man Of No Account Notes By
Flood And Field Waiting For The Ship: A Fort Point Idyl A Night At

SPANISH AND AMERICAN LEGENDS. The Legend Of Monte Del Diablo The
Right Eye Of The Commander The Legend Of Devil's Point The Adventure
Of Padre Vicentio: A Legend Of San Francisco The Devil And The Broker:
A Medieval Legend The Ogress Of Silver Land; Or, The Diverting History
Of Prince Badfellah And Prince Bulleboye The Christmas Gift That Came
To Rupert: A Story For Little Soldiers


The opportunity here offered [Footnote: By the appearance in England
several years ago of an edition of the author's writings as then
collected.] to give some account of the genesis of these Californian
sketches, and the conditions under which they were conceived, is
peculiarly tempting to an author who has been obliged to retain a
decent professional reticence under a cloud of ingenious surmise,
theory, and misinterpretation. He very gladly seizes this opportunity
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