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Self-Raised by Emma Dorothy Eliza Nevitte Southworth
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"And, now, will you follow my advice?"

"To the letter, dear Bee, whenever you are so good as to advise me.
Ah, Bee, you seem to comprise in yourself all that that I have
missed of family affection, and to compensate me for the unknown
love of her mother, sister, friend."

"Do I, Ishmael? Oh, I wish that I really did!" said Bee,
impulsively; and then she blushed deeply at suddenly apprehending
the construction that might he put upon her words.

But Ishmael answered those words in the spirit in which they were

"Believe me, dearest Bee, you do. If I never feel the want of home
affections it is because I have them all in you. My heart finds rest
in you, Bee. But oh, little sister, what can I ever render to you
for all the good you have done me from my childhood up?"

"Render yourself good and wise and great, Ishmael, and I shall be
sufficiently happy in watching your upward progress," said Bee.

And quietly putting down on the table a bunch of grapes that she had
brought, she withdrew from the office.

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