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Self-Raised by Emma Dorothy Eliza Nevitte Southworth
page 18 of 853 (02%)
"Yes, I knew her and her sister, naturally, for they were tenants of

"I knew that they lived on the outskirts of the Brudenell estate;
but I did not know you were personally acquainted with them, sir;
for I thought that you had resided generally in Europe."

"Not all the time; I was at Brudenell Hall when--you were born and
your mother went to heaven, Ishmael."

Some of the elder man's agitation communicated itself to the
younger, who half arose from his seat and looked intently at the

"I knew your mother in those days, Ishmael. She was not only one of
the most beautiful women of her day, but one of the purest, noblest,
and best."

Herman Brudenell hesitated. And Ishmael, who had dropped again into
his seat, bent eagerly forward, holding his breath while he

Herman continued.

"You resemble her in person and character, Ishmael. All that is best
and noblest and most attractive in you, Ishmael, is derived under
Divine Providence from your mother."

"I know it! Oh, I know it!"

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