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Self-Raised by Emma Dorothy Eliza Nevitte Southworth
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And coldly from that noble heart,
In all its glowing youth,
His lore had turned and spurned apart
Its tenderness and truth--
Let him alone to live, or die--
Alone!--Yet, who is she?
Some guardian angel from the sky,
To bless and aid him?--Bee!

Ishmael received many other invitations. One morning, while he was
seated at the table in his office, Walter Middleton entered, saying:

"Ishmael, leave reading over those stupid documents and listen to
me. I am going to Saratoga for a month. Come with me; it will do you

"Thank you all the same, Walter; but I cannot leave the city now,"
said Ishmael.

"Nonsense! there is but little doing; and now, if ever, you should
take some recreation."

"But I am busy with getting up some troublesome cases for the next
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