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Self-Raised by Emma Dorothy Eliza Nevitte Southworth
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"Ah!" exclaimed Ishmael, with a shudder.

"Well, and have you thought over what we were talking of yesterday?"

"It was--" Ishmael began, and then hesitated.

"It was about your going into partnership with me."

"Oh, yes! so it was! but I have not had time to think of it yet."

"Well, think over it today, will you, and then after the court has
adjourned come to my chambers and talk the matter over with me. Will

"Thank you, yes, certainly."

"Ah, well! I will not keep you any longer, for I see that you are in
a hurry."

"It is because I have an appointment at ten," said Ishmael

"Certainly; and appointments must be kept. Good morning."

"Good morning, Mr. Wiseman."

"Mind, you are to come to my chambers after the court has
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