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The Lives of the Twelve Caesars, Volume 08: Otho by Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus
page 5 of 15 (33%)
day. But finding himself disappointed, by Piso's being preferred before
him, he turned his thoughts to obtaining his purpose by the use of
violence; and to this he was instigated, as well by the greatness of his
debts, as by resentment (419) at Galba's conduct towards him. For he did
not conceal his conviction, "that he could not stand his ground unless he
became emperor, and that it signified nothing whether he fell by the
hands of his enemies in the field, or of his creditors in the Forum." He
had a few days before squeezed out of one of the emperor's slaves a
million of sesterces for procuring him a stewardship; and this was the
whole fund he had for carrying on so great an enterprise. At first the
design was entrusted to only five of the guard, but afterwards to ten
others, each of the five naming two. They had every one ten thousand
sesterces paid down, and were promised fifty thousand more. By these,
others were drawn in, but not many; from a confident assurance, that when
the matter came to the crisis, they should have enough to join them.

VI. His first intention was, immediately after the departure of Piso, to
seize the camp, and fall upon Galba, whilst he was at supper in the
palace; but he was restrained by a regard for the cohort at that time on
duty, lest he should bring too great an odium upon it; because it
happened that the same cohort was on guard before, both when Caius was
slain, and Nero deserted. For some time afterwards, he was restrained
also by scruples about the omens, and by the advice of Seleucus. Upon
the day fixed at last for the enterprise, having given his accomplices
notice to wait for him in the Forum near the temple of Saturn, at the
gilded mile-stone [675], he went in the morning to pay his respects to
Galba; and being received with a kiss as usual, he attended him at
sacrifice, and heard the predictions of the augur [676]. A freedman of
his, then bringing (420) him word that the architects were come, which
was the signal agreed upon, he withdrew, as if it were with a design to
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