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The Lives of the Twelve Caesars, Volume 10: Vespasian by Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus
page 25 of 35 (71%)
[730] These games were extraordinary, as being out of the usual course
of those given by praetors.

[731] "Revocavit in contubernium." From the difference of our habits,
there is no word in the English language which exactly conveys the
meaning of contubernium; a word which, in a military sense, the Romans
applied to the intimate fellowship between comrades in war who messed
together, and lived in close fellowship in the same tent. Thence they
transferred it to a union with one woman who was in a higher position
than a concubine, but, for some reason, could not acquire the legal
rights of a wife, as in the case of slaves of either sex. A man of rank,
also, could not marry a slave or a freedwoman, however much he might be
attached to her.

[732] Nearly the same phrases are applied by Suetonius to Drusilla, see
CALIGULA, c. xxiv., and to Marcella, the concubine of Commodus, by
Herodian, I. xvi. 9., where he says that she had all the honours of an
empress, except that the incense was not offered to her. These
connections resembled the left-hand marriages of the German princes.

[733] This expedition to Britain has been mentioned before, CLAUDIUS,
c. xvii. and note; and see ib. xxiv.

Valerius Flaccus, i. 8, and Silius Italicus, iii. 598, celebrate the
triumphs of Vespasian in Britain. In representing him, however, as
carrying his arms among the Caledonian tribes, their flattery transferred
to the emperor the glory of the victories gained by his lieutenant,
Agricola. Vespasian's own conquests, while he served in Britain, were
principally in the territories of the Brigantes, lying north of the
Humber, and including the present counties of York and Durham.
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