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The Lives of the Twelve Caesars, Volume 14: Lives of the Poets by Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus
page 12 of 27 (44%)
prince. The verse ran as follows:

Auriculas asini Mida rex habet;
King Midas has an ass's ears;

but Cornutus altered it thus;

Auriculas asini quis non hahet?
Who has not an ass's ears?

in order that it might not be supposed that it was meant to apply to


HORATIUS FLACCUS was a native of Venusium [963], his father having been,
by his own account [964], a freedman and collector of taxes, but, as it
is generally believed, a dealer in salted (541) provisions; for some one
with whom Horace had a quarrel, jeered him, by saying; "How often have I
seen your father wiping his nose with his fist?" In the battle of
Philippi, he served as a military tribune [965], which post he filled at
the instance of Marcus Brutus [966], the general; and having obtained a
pardon, on the overthrow of his party, he purchased the office of scribe
to a quaestor. Afterwards insinuating himself first, into the good
graces of Mecaenas, and then of Augustus, he secured no small share in
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