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More Pages from a Journal by Mark Rutherford
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the things she knows aren't the things we know.'

Mr. G. 'We are digressing, I am afraid. I suggest we should have a
ballot. I will write "Yes" on five little pieces of paper, and "No"
on five, and after distribution we will fold them up, and each of us
shall drop one in the vase on the mantel-shelf.'

This was done, and there were three for the invitation and two
against it.

Mrs. Poulter and Mr. Goacher were left alone after the table was

'Permit me to say, dear madam, that I entirely agreed with you.'

'You must have voted with Mrs. Mudge.'

'I did, but not from any sympathy with her views. I strive to keep
the peace. In an establishment like this concord is necessary.'

Mr. Goacher, when he dropped his paper in the vase, had not
forgotten that Mrs. Mudge had offered to provide the wine for the
dinner. If she had been defeated the offer might have been

'I have fancied before now that I have seen in you a decided
preference for Mrs. Mudge.'

This was true. He had 'tried it on with her,' to use her own words,
but she was impregnable. 'It was no good with me,' she said to Miss
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