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Many Ways for Cooking Eggs by S. T. (Sarah Tyson Heston) Rorer
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Livingstone, Mornay, Zanzibar, Monte Bello, a la Bourbon, Bernaise, a
la Rorer, Benedict, To Hard-boil, Creole, Curried, Beauregard,
Lafayette, Jefferson, Washington, au Gratin, Deviled, a la Tripe, a
l'Aurore, a la Dauphin, a la Bennett, Brouilli, Scalloped, Farci,
Balls, Deviled Salad, Japanese Hard, en Marinade, a la Polonnaise, a
la Hyde, a la Vinaigrette, a la Russe, Lyonnaise, Croquettes, Chops,
Plain Scrambled, Scrambled with Chipped Beef, Scrambled with Lettuce,
Scrambled with Shrimps, Scrambled with Fresh Tomatoes, Scrambled with
Rice and Tomato, Scrambled with Asparagus Tips, Egg Flip


Omelet with Asparagus Tips, with Green Peas, Havana, with Tomato
Sauce, with Oysters, with Sweetbreads, with Tomatoes, with Ham, with
Cheese, with Fine Herbs, Spanish, Jardiniere, with Fresh Mushrooms,
O'Brien, with Potatoes


Omelet a la Washington, with Rum, Swiss Souffle, a la Duchesse,


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