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The Prairie by James Fenimore Cooper
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former states has the appearance of an alluvial deposit; and isolated
rocks have been found, of a nature and in situations which render it
difficult to refute the opinion that they have been transferred to
their present beds by floating ice. This theory assumes that the Great
Lakes were the deep pools of one immense body of fresh water, which
lay too low to be drained by the irruption that laid bare the land.

It will be remembered that the French, when masters of the Canadas and
Louisiana, claimed the whole of the territory in question. Their
hunters and advanced troops held the first communications with the
savage occupants, and the earliest written accounts we possess of
these vast regions, are from the pens of their missionaries. Many
French words have, consequently, become of local use in this quarter
of America, and not a few names given in that language have been
perpetuated. When the adventurers, who first penetrated these wilds,
met, in the centre of the forests, immense plains, covered with rich
verdure or rank grasses, they naturally gave them the appellation of
meadows. As the English succeeded the French, and found a peculiarity
of nature, differing from all they had yet seen on the continent,
already distinguished by a word that did not express any thing in
their own language, they left these natural meadows in possession of
their title of convention. In this manner has the word "Prairie" been
adopted into the English tongue.

The American prairies are of two kinds. Those which lie east of the
Mississippi are comparatively small, are exceedingly fertile, and are
always surrounded by forests. They are susceptible of high
cultivation, and are fast becoming settled. They abound in Ohio,
Michigan, Illinois, and Indiana. They labour under the disadvantages
of a scarcity of wood and water,--evils of a serious character, until
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