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Mr. World and Miss Church-Member - A twentieth century allegory by W. S. (William Shuler) Harris
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volumes per week, the great bulk of which is consigned to the debris
of the passing years. We pray that this book may find a field of
usefulness rather than an early grave.

We need not tell of the pleasures and difficulties we experienced in
preparing these twenty-five chapters for the press. Let it be known,
however, that we were seconded and assisted by several able critics
who, each one independently of the others, kindly reviewed the
manuscript. At the suggestions of these critics minor changes were
made in the several manuscript editions. These critics deserve much
credit especially for the literary finish there may be to this book.

The illustrations were drawn by Paul J. Krafft, of New York. They
evince patient study and careful work, and display a creative genius
well suited to the field of allegory.

The leading moral truths are developed in the memorable journey of
Miss Church-Member upon the Broad Highway in company with the polite
and yet fiendish Mr. World. In this lifelike journey the two companions
come in contact with many of Satan's up-to-date schemes, and witness
his far-extended operations in many a wicked realm. In the descriptions
of all these things we have endeavored to be suggestive rather than
exhaustive, for we have withheld the almost infinite details and brought
to light only a mere synopsis of the panorama as seen from the lofty

Will not the reader, as he takes one step after another in the progress
of the story, realize more keenly than ever the unspeakable deceptions
of Satan, so bewitchingly robed in the garments of subtle treachery?
The course of Miss Church-Member is a sad comment on the moving masses
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