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Songs of Kabir by Rabindranath Tagore
page 19 of 87 (21%)
Kabîr says: "None but Brahma can evoke its melodies."

"This version of Kabîr's songs is chiefly the work of
Mr. Rabîndranâth Tagore, the trend of whose mystical genius makes
him--as all who read these poems will see--a peculiarly
sympathetic interpreter of Kabîr's vision and thought. It has
been based upon the printed Hindî text with Bengali translation
of Mr. Kshiti Mohan Sen; who has gathered from many sources--
sometimes from books and manuscripts, sometimes from the lips of
wandering ascetics and minstrels--a large collection of poems
and hymns to which Kabîr's name is attached, and carefully
sifted the authentic songs from the many spurious works now
attributed to him. These painstaking labours alone have made
the present undertaking possible.

We have also had before us a manuscript English translation of
116 songs made by Mr. Ajit Kumâr Chakravarty from Mr. Kshiti
Mohan Sen's text, and a prose essay upon Kabîr from the same
hand. From these we have derived great assistance. A
considerable number of readings from the translation have been
adopted by us; whilst several of the facts mentioned in the essay
have been incorporated into this introduction. Our most grateful
thanks are due to Mr. Ajit Kumar Chakravarty for the extremely
generous and unselfish manner in which he has placed his work at
our disposal.

E. U.

The reference of the headlines of the poems is to:

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