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Songs of Kabir by Rabindranath Tagore
page 37 of 87 (42%)
up a stone to worship.
Kabîr says: "I may never express how sweet my Lord is. Yoga and
the telling of beads, virtue and vice--these are naught to Him."


II. 38. Sâdho, so satgur mohi bhâwai

O brother, my heart yearns for that true Guru, who fills the cup
of true love, and drinks of it himself, and offers it then to
He removes the veil from the eyes, and gives the true Vision of
He reveals the worlds in Him, and makes me to hear the Unstruck
He shows joy and sorrow to be one:
He fills all utterance with love.
Kabîr says: "Verily he has no fear, who has such a Guru to lead
him to the shelter of safety!"


II. 40. tinwir sâñjh kâ gahirâ âwai

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