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Songs of Kabir by Rabindranath Tagore
page 56 of 87 (64%)
have no comfort in the day, I have no sleep in the night. To
whom shall I tell my sorrow?
The night is dark; the hours slip by. Because my Lord is absent,
I start up and tremble with fear.
Kabîr says: "Listen, my friend! there is no other satisfaction,
save in the encounter with the Beloved."


I. 122. kaum muralî s'abd s'un ânand bhayo

What is that flute whose music thrills me with joy?
The flame burns without a lamp;
The lotus blossoms without a root;
Flowers bloom in clusters;
The moon-bird is devoted to the moon;
With all its heart the rain-bird longs for the shower of rain;
But upon whose love does the Lover concentrate His entire life?


I. 112. s'untâ nahî dhun kî khabar

Have you not heard the tune which the Unstruck Music is playing?
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