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Songs of Kabir by Rabindranath Tagore
page 62 of 87 (71%)
And who has ever taught love to find bliss in renunciation?


I. 39. are man, dhîraj kâhe na dharai

Why so impatient, my heart?
He who watches over birds, beasts, and insects,
He who cared for you whilst you were yet in your mother's womb,
Shall He not care for you now that you are come forth?
Oh my heart, how could you turn from the smile of your Lord and
wander so far from Him?
You have left Your Beloved and are thinking of others: and this
is why all your work is in vain.


I. 117. sâîn se lagan kathin hai, bhâî

Now hard it is to meet my Lord!
The rain-bird wails in thirst for the rain: almost she dies of
her longing, yet she would have none other water than the
Drawn by the love of music, the deer moves forward: she dies as
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