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Unconscious Memory by Samuel Butler
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(Of the British Museum)
In grateful acknowledgment of the unwearying kindness with which he
has so often placed at my disposal his varied store of information.

Note by R. A. Streatfeild
Introduction by Marcus Hartog
Author's Preface
Unconscious Memory


For many years a link in the chain of Samuel Butler's biological
works has been missing. "Unconscious Memory" was originally
published thirty years ago, but for fully half that period it has
been out of print, owing to the destruction of a large number of the
unbound sheets in a fire at the premises of the printers some years
ago. The present reprint comes, I think, at a peculiarly fortunate
moment, since the attention of the general public has of late been
drawn to Butler's biological theories in a marked manner by several
distinguished men of science, notably by Dr. Francis Darwin, who, in
his presidential address to the British Association in 1908, quoted
from the translation of Hering's address on "Memory as a Universal
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