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St. Patrick's day, or, the scheming lieutenant : a farce in one act by Richard Brinsley Sheridan
page 13 of 45 (28%)
_Mrs. Bri_. He ordered abroad! He went abroad for his health.

_Just_. Why, Bridget!--

_Mrs. Bri_. Well, deary.--Now hold your tongue, miss.

_Jus_. A message from Dr. Rosy, and Dr. Rosy says--

_Lau_. I'm sure, mamma, his regimentals--

_Just_. Damn his regimentals!--Why don't you listen?

_Mrs. Bri_. Ay, girl, how durst you interrupt your papa?

_Lau_. Well, papa.

_Just_. Dr. Rosy says he'll bring--

_Lau_. Were blue turned up with red, mamma.

_Just_. Laury!--says he will bring the young man--

_Mrs. Bri_. Red! yellow, if you please, miss.

_Just_. Bridget!--the young man that is to be hired--

_Mrs. Bri_. Besides, miss, it is very unbecoming in you to want
to have the last word with your mamma; you should know--

_Just_. Why, zounds! will you hear me or no?
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