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St. Patrick's day, or, the scheming lieutenant : a farce in one act by Richard Brinsley Sheridan
page 19 of 45 (42%)
_O'Con_. Ay, the zwitch is better than nothing, but I should be
glad of a stouter: ha' you got such a thing in the house as an old
coach-pole, or a spare bed-post?

_Just_. Oons, what a dragon it is!--Well, Humphrey, come with
me.--I'll just show him to Bridget, doctor, and we'll agree.--Come
along, honest Humphrey. [_Exit_.]

_O'Con_. My dear doctor, now remember to bring the justice
presently to the walk: I have a scheme to get into his confidence at

_Rosy_. I will, I will. [_They shake hands_.]


_Just_. Why, honest Humphrey, hey! what the devil are you at?

_Rosy_. I was just giving him a little advice.--Well I must go
for the present.--Good-morning to your worship--you need not fear the
lieutenant while he is in your house.

_Just_. Well, get in, Humphrey. Good-morning to you, doctor.--
[_Exit_ DOCTOR ROSY.] Come along, Humphrey.--Now I think I am a
match for the lieutenant and all his gang. [_Exeunt_.]

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