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St. Patrick's day, or, the scheming lieutenant : a farce in one act by Richard Brinsley Sheridan
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later--high and low--Death's a debt; his mandamus binds all alike--no
bail, no demurrer.

_Just_. Silence, Dr. Croaker! will you cure me or will you not?

_Rosy_. Alas! my dear friend, it is not in my power; but I'll
certainly see justice done on your murderer.

_Just_. I thank you, my dear friend, but I had rather see it

_Rosy_. Ay, but if you recover, the villain will escape.

_Mrs. Bri_. Will he? then indeed it would be a pity you should
recover. I am so enraged against the villain, I can't bear the thought
of his escaping the halter.

_Just_. That's very kind in you, my dear; but if it's the same
thing to you, my dear, I had as soon recover, notwithstanding.--What,
doctor, no assistance!

_Rosy_. Efacks, I can do nothing, but there's the German quack,
whom you wanted to send from town; I met him at the next door, and I
know he has antidotes for all poisons.

_Just_. Fetch him, my dear friend, fetch him! I'll get him a
diploma if he cures me.

_Rosy_. Well, there's no time to be lost; you continue to swell
immensely. [_Exit_.]
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