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St. Patrick's day, or, the scheming lieutenant : a farce in one act by Richard Brinsley Sheridan
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he will, on those conditions, cure you instantly, without fee or

_Just_. The devil! did he say all that in so few words? What a
fine language it is! Well, I agree, if he can prevail on the girl.--
[_Aside_.] And that I am sure he never will.

_Rosy_. Greal.

_O'Con_. Writhum bothum.

_Rosy_. He says you must give this under your hand, while he
writes you a miraculous receipt. [_Both sit down to write_.]

_Lau_. Do, mamma, tell me the meaning of this.

_Mrs. Bri_. Don't speak to me, girl.--Unnatural parent!

_Just_. There, doctor; there's what he requires.

_Rosy_. And here's your receipt: read it yourself.

_Just_. Hey! what's here? plain English!

_Rosy_. Read it out; a wondrous nostrum, I'll answer for it.

_Just_. [_Reads_.] _In reading this you are cured, by your
affectionate son-in-law,_ O'CONNOR.--Who in the name of Beelzebub,
sirrah, who are you?

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