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A Strange Manuscript Found in a Copper Cylinder by James De Mille
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XXIII. The Island of Fire
XXIV. Recapture
XXV. Falling, like Icarus, into the Sea
XXVI. Grimm's Law Again
XXVII. Oxenden Preaches a Sermon
XXVIII. In Prison
XXIX. The Ceremony of Separation
XXX. The Day of Sacrifice
XXXI. Conclusion



It occurred as far back as February 15, 1850. It happened on that
day that the yacht Falcon lay becalmed upon the ocean between the
Canaries and the Madeira Islands. This yacht Falcon was the property
of Lord Featherstone, who, being weary of life in England, had taken
a few congenial friends for a winter's cruise in these southern
latitudes. They had visited the Azores, the Canaries, and the Madeira
Islands, and were now on their way to the Mediterranean.

The wind had failed, a deep calm had succeeded, and everywhere, as far
as the eye could reach, the water was smooth and glassy. The yacht
rose and fell at the impulse of the long ocean undulations, and the
creaking of the spars sounded out a lazy accompaniment to the motion
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