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Miss Parloa's New Cook Book by Maria Parloa
page 35 of 553 (06%)
This is a rich, dark fish, weighing from two to eight pounds' and in
season in June, July and August. It is particularly nice broiled and

Black-fish, or Tautog.

Good all the year, but best in the spring. It is not a large fish,
weighing only from one to five pounds.

White-fish, or Lake Shad.

This delicious fish is found in the great lakes, and in the locality
where caught it is always in season. At the South and in the East the
market is supplied only in winter, when the price is about eighteen
cents a pound. The average weight is between two and three pounds.


This fish, weighing from half a pound to six or seven, pounds, is very
fine, and is in season nearly all the year. It is best in March, April
and May.


The weight of rock-bass generally ranges from half a pound to thirty
or forty pounds, but sometimes reaches eighty or a hundred. The small
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