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Miss Parloa's New Cook Book by Maria Parloa
page 37 of 553 (06%)
The small fish that are usually fried, have the general name of "pan"-
fish. There is a great variety, each kind found in the market being
nearly always local, as it does not pay to pack and ship them. A
greater part have the heads and skin taken off before being sold.


These are good at any time, but best in the winter, when they are both
plenty and cheap.


There are several varieties of this fish, which is much prized in some
sections of the country. It is a small fish, weighing from a quarter
of a pound to two or three pounds. It often has a slightly muddy
flavor, owing to living a large part of the time in the mud of the


This fish is nutritious and cheap. It is in the market through the
spring and summer, and averages in weight between one and two pounds.

Spanish Mackerel.

These are larger than the common mackerel, and have rows of yellow
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