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Miss Parloa's New Cook Book by Maria Parloa
page 54 of 553 (09%)
than at retail, but time and trouble are saved by purchasing by the


It is well to keep on hand all kinds of spice, both whole and ground.
They should not be in large quantities, as a good cook will use them
very sparingly, and a good house-keeper will have too much regard for
the health of her family and the delicacy of her food to have them
used lavishly. For soups and sauces the whole spice is best, as it
gives a delicate flavor, and does not color. A small wooden or tin box
should be partly filled with whole mace, cloves, allspice and
cinnamon, and a smaller paste-board box, full of pepper-corns, should
be placed in it. By this plan you will have all your spices together
when you season a soup or sauce.

English Currants.

These keep well, and if cleaned, washed and _well_ dried, will
improve in flavor by being kept.


In large families, if this fruit is much used, it is well to buy by
the box. Time does not improve raisins.

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