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The Poems of Schiller — Second period by Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller
page 16 of 45 (35%)
"With equal love I love each child of mine!"
A genius hid from sight exclaimed.
"Two flowers," he cried, "ye mortals, mark the sign,--
Two flowers to greet the Searcher wise entwine,--
Hope and Enjoyment they are named."

"Who of these flowers plucks one, let him ne'er yearn
To touch the other sister's bloom.
Let him enjoy, who has no faith; eterne
As earth, this truth!--Abstain, who faith can learn!
The world's long story is the world's own doom."

"Hope thou hast felt,--thy wages, then, are paid;
Thy faith 'twas formed the rapture pledged to thee.
Thou might'st have of the wise inquiry made,--
The minutes thou neglectest, as they fade,
Are given back by no eternity!"


No! I this conflict longer will not wage,
The conflict duty claims--the giant task;--
Thy spells, O virtue, never can assuage
The heart's wild fire--this offering do not ask

True, I have sworn--a solemn vow have sworn,
That I myself will curb the self within;
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